PowerMate Stairclimbing HandTrucks

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PowerMate® HVAC-R Overview - Benefits

POWERMATE® Industry solutions HVAC-R


At PowerMate®, we are a proud supplier to Plumbing and Heating Contractors Including members of PHCC Plumbing - Heating - Cooling Contractors Association and MCCA Mechanical Contractors Association of America, IGSHPA International Ground Heat Pump Association, ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America and numerous other organizations, buying groups and associations.

Our relationships with these groups; manufacturers and distributors of all sizes have made us the market leader. Our successes are testiments in the value our customers in the HVAC-R and Security industry recognize in PowerMate®.

Our customers tell us that PowerMate® has allowed them to work smarter and safer, not harder! The machine has turned two man deliveries into one man deliveries, saving them time and money. Many of their customers are shocked and inquire "How do you plan to make my delivery alone? Where's the other guy?"... The customers simply watch in amazement!

Whether you are a large or small supplier avoiding injuries means money in your pocket. Even without a claim, Workers Compensation premiums for a three man operation run around $800 per month! Who can afford an injury?

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Industry Page PA034275 FP Generic HVAC

The PowerMate® Advantage

  • Superior product design
  • On-going customer care program
  • Operator training programs
  • Machine tracking
  • Accessories for every job
  • Staff with in-depth knowledge of your industry.
  • Unique products like the LE-1 "stacker" stair climber and the LiftGate interior tailgate lift.
  • High return on investment
  • One year limited warranty on all PowerMate stair climbers.
Industry Page PA034275 FF Generic HVAC
PowerMate Motorized Stairclimbing HandTrucks
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